Thursday, December 30, 2010

learned today

a few things i have learned today...
sometimes a cold is just a cold
even my dog gets cranky when we don't run
nerf darts hurt when they hit your face
1 truffle in my hand is not worth 2 in the bowl
10 girl push ups = 4 boy push ups
sometimes a run doesn't solve everything...
but most of the time it does :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Body Worlds

Okay, I took my kids to the Body Worlds' exhibit last week. This is the museum showcase of real, live (okay, not live more like dead), skinless human bodies. It is amazing. Jaw dropping, awe inspiring, can't believe I just saw layers of real muscle pulled away from bone fantastic. I learned more from that 1 exhibit than I did from all of my science classes put together. The kids were excited. They couldn't believe what they were seeing, (I hope I didn't just turn them into psycho killers) and they had a profound respect for it all. I was mom of the year, parent of the decade, thinking outside the box, liberal, forward thinking coolest mother alive. I had found the ticket to teaching my kids about bodies and respect and health... until Eli, in his bellowing 7 year old voice decided he had had enough... "Can't I just see a vagina so we can get out of here?" Sure Eli, right over here, there is a vagina.. "looks like a sea anemone" let's go kids, i need to go for a run.

Friday, August 20, 2010

who holds the power?

My brother, not so eloquently, recently pointed out that I have lost all the power in my life. He came to this conclusion after I tore a few ligaments in my ankle and couldn't run for an extended period of time. Without running, I was at the beck and call of everyone except myself. I did things for the school, I did things for the kids (tie your shoes? for god's sake you are 8!), I cleaned the yard (for the neighbors), and I cleaned the house (definitely not for me). It got me wondering, what does all this mean?

You don't give up your power just by doing things for others right? Is it okay to give up your power? Am I devaluing women as a whole because I do too much for my sons? What the hell is power anyway? According to Websters' it is " The ability or capacity to perform or act effectively" Okay well, I do that, I effectively neglect myself in order to provide for my family. Ugh, This is all so complicated.

I want my boys to recognize women as strong individuals, respecting their differences from men and believing in their value, is that so much to ask? Can I achieve this just by running, going surfing with my girlfriends, and making them clean their own rooms.... I don't know but, i am sure going to try.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

slow running

Who would a thunk that my best race ever would be my slowest? Well, apparantly, everyone knew this but me. I have long been a fan of the long distance run through the woods. No peer pressure, no pavement and no time constraint but, put me in a real race and I can step up my game. I have never ceased to surprise myself with many things, the politically incorrect thoughts that run through my head on a daily basis, how far I can actually run with a smile on my face, my intense desire to do more... but i have NEVER surprised myself with an 11 minute mile. You know what I learned from an 11 minute mile? You can still lose a toenail, International blvd. is REALLY hot mid day but also really friendly. I can still rememeber my 8th grade P.E teachers voice because I heard it and stoppped to chat awhile during the Oakland marathon. I can recognize my friends from the back, and no matter how slow you are going, you are still going and 26.2 may have never taken so long but also never been so fun. The Oakland marathon was my favorite race to date, no offense Chicago or Nike but you had nothing on the biggety biggety O last month.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Enough already

I know. Trust me, I know. I am aware, painfully aware, that there is a thing out there called "breast cancer". But, and yes I am sure I am destined to go to hell for this, but, does EVERYTHING I do, say or wear need to be encrusted with a pink ribbon? Who am I spreading the word too? Who DOESN'T know what it means? Who ISN'T aware of breast cancer? If I don't wear the pink ribbon does that mean I hope breast cancer stays around a while longer? That I don't want a cure?

When I go to buy a new running shirt, why are they all tied to Breast Cancer awareness? I don't want it. I want a plain, long sleeve running shirt with no message in sight, not even a good one. I don't want my shoe laces to subscribe to a cause. I don't want my socks to be linked to a cure. I want my clothes plain and cheap and void of all meaning... they are clothes for god's sake. (probably the last time he will let me use his name right?)

I don't want my facebook status to be about disease awareness. I don't want a grocery bag or a water bottle or a sharpie marker to be about a cure. I also don't want my ATM to ask me about it either. Have we all gone insane?

Who is the marketing for? Is it making anyone feel better? Is my pink toe nail polish going to provide the inspiration necessary to find a cure, or fight the good fight? I don't think so... and if you are not "aware" that EVERYONE, and yes, I think I mean EVERYONE would like to find a cure, then maybe we should have an awareness drive for idiots... What exactly is the color of clueless?

These days I am running in a plain white shirt, white laces, black tights and blue shoes. My hat is purple and none of it has any meaning, so if you see me out on the trails don't throw pink at me, it's time to move on.