Friday, May 15, 2009

a runners birthday

I have a new plan. For my next birthday I want to go running with 2 of my friends. Not a regular run, a 3 day triangulated run, with wine involved. I want to find 3 towns about 10 miles apart, in a triangle pattern. i want to park at one, run with a little backpack to another. I want to check into a hotel where we will shower and meander the town, having dinner and drinking wine while our running clothes are drying in the sink. I want to stay up late laughing and go to sleep full. The next day we can have breakfast, put on our now clean running clothes and make our way to the next town. Sound familiar yet? We would shower and eat and laugh and drink and go to sleep happy and full again. Upon waking on the 3rd day we would be a little bit slower, a little sad that the adventure had ended. Our running clothes would be a little less fresh and our jokes a little more stale. As we made our way back to our car and eventually back to our mothering lives, we would be full again. Full of pride and excitement and stories to tell. Is this too much to ask for a birthday? Now, all I need is the 2 friends... :)

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